Friday, July 20, 2007

Bacon Salt

some geniuses have invented a salt that makes everything taste like bacon.
It seems a lot healthier than adding bacon to basically everything I cook, and it's even vegetarian - so it might serve as a gateway drug, so to speak, for converting our vegetarian friends into Friends in Pork. Although I'm not sure I want to think about how they get it to taste bacony without including any actual pork.

my birthday is coming up if anyone wants to get me a very special present.

1 comment:

Celine said...

Rest assured, dear readers (yes, I mean you, mom)--we will be trying out this BaconSalt and reporting back. Is it full of FACON flavor? Or, does it approximate the real, true, delicious bacony goodness that we know and love?
Perhaps in that post, we will also do some bacon rating. There is a hierarchy on the market. Don't be fooled...